Oracle ULA Certification is the process to be followed at the end of the ULA contract term to count the number of Oracle licenses deployed, send this count as a declaration to Oracle and obtain a certified grant of perpetual licenses.
Oracle ULA Renewal is when you want to enter a fresh term for the same or different set of products.
Both these events require detailed planning and internal due-diligence. Our Oracle License Experts can help you get the highest return on your ULA investments and mitigate future compliance risks
You may read details of the entire process here
About Rythium Technologies
Rythium Technologies is a leading provider of Oracle and Microsoft licensing services. We help our clients reduce their software costs, manage their IT assets, and achieve compliance.
We offer a wide range of licensing services, including: Oracle ULA services , Oracle LMS and audit defense, Oracle license review, Microsoft license review, Adobe license review, Managed SAM Services, Software contracts management and Software Procurement consulting.
We have worked on more than 180 Oracle license management projects in the past 7 years.
Apart from ULAs, Java is another very complex license management bugbear from Oracle. Go here if you want to learn about our Java License Analyzer and Java License Review services.
Do you want to know the steps for ULA Certification ? Read here
Apart from ULAs, Java is another very complex license management bugbear from Oracle. Go here if you want to learn about our Java License Analyzer and Java License Review services.
You might want to read more about our CEO Sheshagiri Anegondi (Sheshu). He is amongst the foremost Oracle License Experts globally.