Remediation & Rebalancing
Oracle license non-compliance comes from
- Using unlicensed products
- Using unlicensed features in licensed parent products
- Incorrect deployment architecture

What is Remediation & Rebalancing
Remediation and Rebalancing are the process to correct the non-compliance.
Remediation is about avoiding the usage of unlicensed products or features.
Rebalancing is either making changes to the deployment architecture or using different Oracle products to achieve the same functionality.
Remediation & Rebalancing Services
We provide recommendations on remediation and rebalancing as part of the Baseline License Review.
We also have a separate service where we can achieve the end-goal of cost reduction & lowered risk by carrying out the activities needed to make necessary changes.
Our team of DBAs and Infrastructure specialists can help you. They will work with your internal team members to remediate and rebalance Oracle deployments.
The short term benefits are cost avoidance during a license audit.
The longer term benefits can be lowered costs because of support & license cost reduction.
Licensing Oracle is a division of Rythium Technologies LLP.